Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 16, Learn about wikis and discover some innovative ways that libraries are using them.

Here is the definition of Wikis from LisWiki. Wikis are, in general, online content repositories that allow others to contribute and modify entries. The definitions list of Wiki, Wikipedia, MediaWiki, and LisWiki, on this site was very helpful for new comers like me.

Innovative ways that libraries using wikis; Library Success: A Best PracticesWiki. "This was created to be a one-stop shop for great ideas and information for all types of librarians." Of course Learning 2.0 Program is included here. By searching "Wiki and Library," I got numerous hits. It looks like UCLA is very active on Wikis. IMSLP / Petrucci Music Library Wiki got my attention. It states "Our goal is to create a virtual library containing all public domain music scores, as well as scores from composers who are willing to share their music with the world without charge. I realize that wikis and Wikipedia are free of geographical boundaries and have unlimited resources and unlimited knowledge. As long as contributors do not abuse the privilege, they are an enormous asset for our future.

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