Okay, this is a nice one since we had the exact assignment a couple of years ago. Does my account still exist? Yes. I also remembered my Login and Password. WOW!!! Last time I accessed my account was in March 2008. At the time, I was creating my catalog on this website. My whole purpose was to finish the assignment. So without asking permission of leaders of

of MCPL, I used their trademark. Sorry!!! I did not expect this catalog to stay on the web this long. Do you want me to remove the Readers' Cafe's trademark?
So, lets add some titles to my collection. I learned some more nitty gritty of how to manage my collection on this site.
Among us, librarians, talk about how our blogs are in the public eyes. They aren't.. Some of them put in so much effort and are disappointed with the response. I am afraid that I am adding more clatter to the Internet. It is very hard to find the exact information when we need to find it. It is crowded with lots of junk to satisfy tons of personal and business purposes.
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