Human are social animals. We socialized mostly face to face, telephone, etc. Does bloging expand our social circle? There is no geographic or language limit on the Internet. I understand why the majority of organizations adding those social networking tools to market and disseminate their product. It is a trend of society. I don't know if any of the marketing companies and the research organizations have done a scientific research on the effectiveness of those tools. I don't know how much more effective those tools are than a well developed webpage presence on the Internet with the subscription tools.
They are very useful and fun tools to disseminate personal opinion. But, if it's used by the officials to systematically disseminate their information and opinion to control the general public, it has chilling effect to the society. We, librarians, need to know how to use them and their function in our society. I believe, I am doing the 23 THINGS because it is my assignment. I looked at our official and other blogs. I have seen very few enlighten or intriguing one. Before I started this 23 things assignment, personally, I placed very low value and respect on them. I have heard lots of bad, less than honorable way of using them. Now, at least I can express my thought, publish my journal, here. Am I cluttering the Internet?Human are social animals. We socialized mostly face to face, telephone, etc. Does blog expanded our social circl? There is no geographic or language limit on the NET/Software.
I understand why majority of organizations adding those social networking tools to market/disseminate their product. It is a trend of the society. I don't know any of the marketing companies and the research organizations done a scientific research on effectiveness of the tools . I don't know how much more effective those tools are than a well developed web page presence on the Internet with the subscription tools.
They are very useful and fun tools to disceminate personal opinion. But, if it's used by the officials to systematically disceminate thier information/opinion to control general public, it has chilling effect to the society.
We librarians need to know how to use them and their function in our society. I beleive, I am doing the 23 THINGS because it is my assignment. I looked at our official and other blogs. I have seen very few enlighting or intreaging one. Before I started this 23 things assignment, personally, I placed very low value and respect on them. I have heard lots of bad ways of using them. Now, at least, I can express my thoughts, publish my journal here. Am I cluttering the Internet?